
Roses in a Patch of Thorns

Roses in a Patch of Thorns

Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Bed of Roses in a Patch of Thorns

A bed of roses in a patch of thorns is a lot like you and me in this broken world. Roses, like any flower have to bloom, but to bloom they must have the proper treatment. If the roses are in an environment that receives plenty of rain and has the right amount of sunlight, then chances are it will bloom. However, if placed in the wrong environment chances are it will die. We, like roses, need to be in a proper environment in order to "bloom". If we surround ourselves with friends who are addicted to drugs, cuss a lot, continuously talk about sex, etc, then blooming will be VERY difficult. A rose can get infested with petal-eating bugs, and those bugs can quickly travel from one rose to another, destroying everything in its' path. If we place ourselves in bad situations or the wrong crowd, our character will become damaged just like those bug infested roses. The bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:33, "Do not be misled; bad company corrupts good morals." Don't let bug-infested roses mislead you.

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